GCTP Ministerial Ordinance
Japanese GCTP (Good Gene, Cellular and Tissue-based Products Manufacturing
Practice) for themanufacturing
management and the quality control of regenerative medicine products was
enforced as theminister ordinance
on 12th August 2014.

- <Main Items on J-GCTP>
- Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) (Article 3)
Japanese MAH and designed foreign MAH shall have manufactures, etc. established the system on manufacturing
management and quality control as a requirement of manufacturing and marketing approval based on GCTP regulation. - Manufacturing Division and Quality Division (Article 5)
The manufactures, etc. which must indicate the manufacturing manager beforehand need to have a manufacturing
division and a quality control division under the control of the manager in each factory. There must be quality control
division independently of the manufacturing division. - Quality Standard Code (Article 8)
- Regulated to create, storage and handle in every product and every manufacturing site
- Included the standard for biological ingredients, the matter on the quality when receiving an improvement order and
the quality matter as regulatory approval condition
- Included origin, producing place and the methods of manufacture management and quality control to secure the
ingredient quality
- SOP (Article 9)
Manufactures shall set the following SOPs in every factory;
The sanitation control standard code, the manufacturing control standard code and the quality control standard code - The structure facilities of factory (Article 10)
- The manufacture management (Article 6)
- The quality control (Article 12)
- The management of shipment from a factory (Article 13)
- Handling of the information on quality and quality failure (Article 15)
- Validation or verification (Article 14)
- Procedure for handling of recall (Article 19)
- Procedure for self-inspection (Article 21)
- Training (Article 21)
- Document and record control (Article 22)
- <Other Japanese Regulations on Regenerative Medicine Product, etc.>
- The standard for GCP ministerial ordinance (PFSB Notification 0812 No.23 dated on Aug. 12, 2014)
- The non-clinical studies which should be conforming to GLP (PFSB Notification 0812 No.20 dated on Aug. 12, 2014)
- Documents which should be attached when submission file for a manufacture
and sales approval
(PFSB/ELD/OMDE and Minister's Secretariat/Councilor Notification 0812 No.5 dated on Aug. 12, 2014)
- The standard for raw materials of biotechnical/biological products
(PFSB/ELD/OMDE and the Minister's Secretarial/Councilor Notification 1002 No.1 dated on Oct. 02, 2014) - About the report system of infection disease (PFSB Nitification 0812 No.7 dated on Aug. 12, 2014)
- The standard for post marketing surveillance and clinical trials (GPSP)
(PFSB Notification 0812 No.23 dated Aug. 12, 2014)
- Handling of combination products (regenerative medicine product and medical
(PFSB/ELD/OMDE and the Minister's Secretariat/Councilor Notification 1024 No.1) - GVP standard (Ministerial Ordinance No.44 dated on Jul. 30, 2015)
- GQP standard (Ministerial Ordinance No.87 dated on 30, 2015)
- <Abbreviation of MHLW Organization>
- PFSB: Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, ELD: Evaluation and Licensing Division
- OMDE: Office of Medical Devices Evaluation
- Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) (Article 3)
- <Main Items on J-GCTP>